A painting of St. Francis de Sales Parish in Paducah by parishioner Gabe Rupp. COURTESY OF MARIA KORTE
St. Francis de Sales families share talent, art, to reach parishioners who can’t be in the pews
With many quarantining and staying home during this pandemic, our parish of St. Francis de Sales in Paducah decided to revisit a wonderful project that would reach our parishioners that couldn’t be in the pews.
Last year, the Daughters of Isabella in Paducah had donated supplies for a project for the St. Francis de Sales Youth Group. They donated the 8×10 canvases, paint and paint brushes for the youth to paint portraits of the church to send to the homebound as a 2019 Christmas gifts. The parishioners at home/nursing homes last year really enjoyed owning their own special painting of the church – so we decided to do it again this year!
The youth of all ages at St. Francis de Sales got together on Oct. 25, 2020 (pre COVID red zone). It was a family come-and-go event and each family pod had their own table, and supply carts were rolled around to deliver paint and supplies to each table. The youth (and a few parents) used printed photos to base their paintings from and they all got to work! The ages ranged from Pre-K to high school and it was amazing to see the talent that youth from our parish possess.
Our pastor, Fr. Bruce McCarty, said he would like the youth to do this each year from now on. Continuing the tradition from last year, one of the youths’ paintings will be chosen each year for the parish Christmas card that is mailed to each parishioner and business affiliated with the church. (Last year, Therese Watson had the honor of her painting being chosen and this year Olivia Chino’s Christmas trees were chosen as our parish card front.) All of the youths’ art will also be featured on the front of the bulletin cover sometime throughout the year, which will make each of them a published artist.
This year the paintings were delivered in combination with the angel tree gift bags that were donated and collected under the giving tree throughout Advent. They were delivered from the parish and social justice committee in a socially-distant and safe way to each house, and they were received very well. The hope is that this will become a treasured tradition at our parish.
Maria Korte is the Youth Minister and Director of Sacramental Preparations at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Paducah.
Originally printed in the February 2021 issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic.