Bishop William F. Medley presents Zach Ault with the 2021 Bishop John J. McRaith Catechetical Leader Award. Ault is the pastoral minister at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Paducah. COURTESY OF CHARLIE HARDESTY
Zach Ault receives 2021 catechetical leader award
On Aug. 5, 2021, Zach Ault, the pastoral minister at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Paducah, received the 2021 Bishop John J. McRaith Catechetical Leader Award.
He was presented with the award at a gathering for diocesan youth ministers, directors of religious education and others in parish catechetical leadership, which was held at Pennyrile Forest State Resort Park.
“It is clear from reading the 17 recommendations received from people that know you well, that you have made an incredible impact at St. Francis de Sales Parish,” said Dr. Jeff Andrini, director of the Diocese of Owensboro’s Office of Evangelization and Discipleship.
The award was presented by Bishop William F. Medley.
In his remarks, Dr. Andrini shared that Ault became Catholic about 15 years ago, and that Ault was called into parish ministry 14 years ago – leaving behind a lucrative engineering job when God called.
Dr. Andrini said that he had the opportunity to work with Ault on several occasions, most recently being the diocese’s virtual Easter Series, during which Ault shared his faith journey and witnessed to God’s love and power throughout his life.
Dr. Andrini read several selections from the 17 recommendations received for Ault – which Dr. Andrini added is 16 more than his office receives for one person.
These excerpts included: “He is a great family man;” “Zach is a very devout, kind and servant hearted person;” “He leads the RCIA, bible studies, helps grieving families as they prepare for a funeral and leads many in spiritual enrichment and growth opportunities;” “Consistently in a good mood and never a negative word;” and “Works well with others and is a great asset to our parish staff.”
“I would simply add that in my experience of you, you have a deep faith, a love for Jesus and his Church and the fruit of your discipleship is evident in how you live and love others,” said Dr. Andrini.
The Offices of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry present this award annually to honor an outstanding parish catechetical leader. According to the award criteria, the recipient of the award is a role model as an outstanding human being; committed to diocesan, parish and community service; shows a deep sense of spirituality; is knowledgeable, and committed to continuing their intellectual, spiritual and collaborative growth.
Originally printed in the September 2021 issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic.