Students of John Paul II Catholic School in Morganfield display their rosaries during an outdoor rosary rally on Sept. 15, 2021. Students were permitted to remove their masks due to being outside. COURTESY OF JO ANN MATHIESON
Catholic school students bring faith into public square with rosary rally
This year, John Paul II Catholic School in Morganfield has scheduled a rosary rally each quarter. The entire school walks “downtown” – just a few blocks away – where they meet parents, grandparents, and community members in the outdoor auditorium by the Renaissance Center.
Beth Hendrickson, principal, said she got the idea after watching the movie “Pray” about Fr. Patrick Peyton. While she has always had a devotion to the Blessed Mother and the rosary, she felt renewed in this devotion and sees it as a way to not only build community but also allow the children some “outside time” and experience bringing faith into the public square.
While rain was predicted for their first rally, Hendrickson was not worried, and she put her request in early to Our Lady for good weather. And so, it was.
The event was low key but special. Two students began singing Immaculate Mary. There was a short personal testimony, and all prayed the rosary and went home.
Students could also take off their masks because they were outside and be joined by family and community. The next rally is scheduled for October, the month of the Holy Rosary.
Jo Ann Mathieson is the assistant superintendent for the Diocese of Owensboro’s Catholic Schools Office. Learn more at
Originally printed in the October 2021 issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic.