Anticipating diaconate, Grief grateful he listened to ‘small, still voice’
Editor’s note: All are welcome to attend the Ordination to the Sacred Order of the Diaconate of Christopher Earl Grief and Christopher Michael Kight on April 9, 2022 at 10 a.m. at St. Stephen Cathedral in Owensboro. A reception will follow.
When did you first identify that you had a vocation to the priesthood?
Growing up in a loving home and supportive parish community, I first identified my vocation to the priesthood early in my life. It wasn’t until I was in college, however, did I start really discerning whether or not God was calling me to this life. Admittedly it was a struggle at first because I had a good job and a home I enjoyed entertaining my friends in. Yet, I wasn’t fulfilled; I noticed I was missing something. Suffice it to say, it was a small, still voice that kept tugging on my heart throughout my life. I credit my former vocation director, Fr. Jason McClure, and my family for helping me through the many years of discernment that ultimately led me to seminary and where I am today – approaching the transitional diaconate.
How have you seen yourself grow from the time you entered seminary to today?
If you ask this question to 50 different seminarians, you will most certainly get 50 different responses. God works in each of our lives in a unique way. Seminary formation has nourished my mind and soul through the discipline of study, enriched my spiritual life through the practice of prayer, and has challenged me to build and develop lasting relationships that will support me during my years of ministry.
What aspect of the transitional diaconate do you most look forward to?
As my date to the transitional diaconate is approaching, words can’t describe the many aspects of ordination I am looking forward to. From presiding over baptisms, marriages, funerals, and public prayer to serving the community in acts of charity through preaching by works and proclaiming and preaching the Gospel, it is my ardent prayer that my service continues to glorify God in all that I do.
Christopher Grief is from St. John the Evangelist Parish in Paducah.
Originally printed in the April 202 issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic.