Karina Romero, youth and young adult minister of St. Stephen Cathedral in Owensboro, Ky., Demi Smith and Hannah Ramos, both of St. Joseph Parish in Bowling Green, Ky., work on the St. Charles Cemetery grounds in Livermore, Ky. Trees were pruned and brush picked up and removed; holes were dug for five new rose bushes, and the cemetery sign was reset. COURTESY OF ANN RENFROW
Sprucing up St. Charles Cemetery
St. Charles Parish in Livermore, Ky., was blessed with the help of the youth and young adult groups of St. Stephen Cathedral in Owensboro, Ky., and St. Joseph Parish in Bowling Green, Ky., on June 20, along with St. Charles parishioners. There was much tree trimming, pick up and disposal of brush, as well as preparation of the ground for new rose bushes, and re-setting of the cemetery sign.
Thank you Karina Romero, youth and young adult minister of St. Stephen Cathedral; Vince Carrico of St. Stephen Cathedral; and Cecilia Morris, Hanna Ramos, and Demi Smith all of St. Joseph Parish in Bowling Green.
Also a thank you to John and Marcia Logsdon and Leon Durbin all of St. Charles, Michael Baldwin, and for the support of Fr. Jegin Puthenpurackal, pastor of St. Charles.
This project was part of the week-long Mission: Eucharistic Life, which was led by the Diocese of Owensboro’s Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and took place from June 19-24, 2022.
Ann Renfrow belongs to St. Charles Parish in Livermore, Ky.
Originally printed in the August 2022 issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic.