An Acts 2:42 Small Group at St. Lawrence Parish in Philpot is seen in a parishioner’s home. COURTESY OF ST. LAWRENCE PARISH
Live the mission – abundant life in Christ!
The Eucharistic Revival is in full swing in our diocese! We hope you will join us for one of the four days of pilgrimage between June 30 and July 3 as we participate in the processions from the four directions of our country, which culminate at the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in mid-July. The third year of the revival has the focus of “Going Out on Mission” and begins after the Eucharistic Congress.
This mission is not new, yet it is an effort of our U.S. bishops to focus together and recognize that we all have an important role to play. Listen to the words of Pope Benedict: “We cannot keep to ourselves the love we celebrate in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. By its very nature, it asks to be communicated to everyone… The Eucharist is not only the source and summit of the life of the Church; it is also the source and summit of her mission: An authentically Eucharistic Church is a missionary Church” (Sacramentum Caritatis, 84).
This message is for all the Church; for each of us to recognize that we have a mission and that we live it out in all the places we go when we leave Mass on Sunday morning: our homes, workplace, the world. Listen to the words of Pope Francis: “Today more than ever, our human family, wounded by so many situations of injustice, so many divisions and wars, is in need of the Good News of peace and salvation in Christ. I take this opportunity to reiterate that everyone has the right to receive the Gospel. Christians have the duty to announce it without excluding anyone, not as one who imposes a new obligation, but as one who shares a joy, signals a beautiful horizon, offers a desirable banquet” (Evangelii Gaudium, 14).
Our Acts 2:42 Small Groups are participating in their final gatherings this month and reflecting on our mission. One of the questions is “Have you ever considered yourself a missionary?” Most often we think that is for people going to foreign countries to tell others about Jesus. But really, it is our mission as baptized Catholics in every area of our lives.
Due to the success of our Acts 2:42 Small Groups, with over 125 groups in 54 parishes, we are inviting groups to continue and new parishes to get involved. Bishop Medley will be offering a video reflection for the first and last session, and this time other pastoral leaders around the diocese will also be offering reflections based on each session’s theme. Watch for promotion materials in your parish and join a group to grow with others from your parish.
Our theme for our Acts groups this year will be “On Mission as a Eucharistic People.” As we each experience Christ in our lives, are transformed by his love, we find abundant life and it overflows to others. Join a small group today!
Dr. Jeff Andrini is the director of the Office of Evangelization and Discipleship, and can be reached at [email protected].
Originally printed in the May 2024 issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic.